
    Five (5) Benefits of an Outsourced Telemarketing

    Dec 20, 2022 4:48:34 PM One Contact Center Telemarketing Outsourcing, Why Outsource, call center

    Outsourced Telemarketing

    Business is growing and customers are unlimited. The telecommunications system has made the world small, information is at your fingertips, and customers on the other side of the world are just a phone call away. The market is expanding and opportunities keep on knocking.  While telemarketing provides a solution to these challenges, will outsourcing telemarketing requirements provide an advantage to the business? 

    Here are some things to consider...


    1. Professional Handling

    Outsourcing companies have long years of experience in the industry and have professional telemarketers, technical support staff, and highly efficient team leaders.  These staff members have been trained and are continuously engaged in training activities to better improve their capacities. They are also familiar with the laws and regulations concerning telemarketing.


    2. Save on Equipment

    Telemarketing equipment is very expensive and would eat up a significant part of one’s investment. You would need telephone lines, computers and peripherals, space, fixtures, and more. And if these things lie idle during lean months, capital investment would also sleep.  Outsourcing telemarketing requirements does away with the need for equipment. The money saved by not having to purchase equipment can be invested in equally-important business initiatives.


    3. Less Administration Work

    Outsourcing means no tedious hiring of telemarketers and other personnel, no training needed, minimum supervision, and easier management. When a company enters into a contract with an outsourcing company, the outsourcing company takes care of fielding telemarketers and support staff who are already trained. The role of the contracting company becomes limited, thus less headache and less stress.


    4. Lower Manpower Expenses

    Many outsourcing companies are based in different countries where the salary standard is lower than the contracting company’s minimum wage requirements. Their salary may be lower but their telemarketing skills are impressive. Also, because telemarketing has been outsourced, there is no need for additional support staff like the technical team and supervisors. This also means savings on manpower expenses.


    5. Hire Only When Need Arises

    Let’s face it business can fluctuate, or be seasonal, hiring telemarketers on a short-term basis is a great way to have the staff when it’s needed the most. Minimizing staff members during lean months and maximizing telemarketers during peak seasons is definitely a great advantage of outsourced telemarketing.


    One Contact Center

    One Contact Center

    With the rising employee cost and ever-changing labor laws, outsourcing your telemarketing needs might be the business advantage you've been searching for.  

     If you’re keen on boosting your customer experience with reliable outsourcing services, please, contact us today. We’ll be more than happy to help.





    One Contact Center

    Written by One Contact Center

    One Contact Center is a minority-owned call center / BPO company that helps companies navigate through this Pandemic by providing customer experience services that improve market shares, brand loyalty and customer retention while reducing costs by up to 70%.

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